International Best Seller You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor


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Zig Ziglar may be the master motivator, Mark Victor Hansen of Chicken Soup For the Soul, the master storyteller: Anthony Robbins may be the guru of personal development, but Bob Proctor is the master thinker. When it comes to systematizing life, no one else can touch him. He is simply the best. Bob Proctor collects thoughts like Imelda Marcos used to collect shoes. He strings them together in exquisite arrays; one thought leading logically to the next until a whole method has been constructed.

In this volume, You Were Born Rich, Bob Proctor has done it again, this time taking you step by step to the surprising discovery that success is not always “reaching out” for something that you don’t have but rather only “reaching over” and rearranging the pieces already there. I read with fascination as Bob carefully built his case and then found myself instantly applying his conclusions to ongoing projects and relationships. Therein lies the great value of this book. You can instantly apply the conclusions to your own life. It will begin to impact you long before you reach the last chapter.

Bob often says that he is not really making suggestions that are new, that in fact we already, instinctively “know” these truths. He may be a little modest in this regard. He certainly offers nuances that are new to me and some may make the difference between success and failure. I found that even some of his “obvious” success ideas were dormant and unappreciated in my own life. And the ones that I thought I knew and understood, the ones that I personally subscribed to that were active in my life, well they were re-arranged in an order that made them even easier to put to use. “Practical,” that is the word that comes to mind, the theories in You Were Born Rich can work for anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

Remember, Bob Proctor is a direct link to the modern science of success stretching back to Andrew Carnegie’s secrets inspired and enthused Napoleon Hill, whose book Think and Grow Rich in turn inspired a whole genre of success-philosophy books that now take up large sections of modern bookstores. Napoleon Hill, in turn passed the baton onto Earl Nightingale, who has since placed it in Bob Proctor’s capable hands.

Bob Proctor sat at the feet of these giants at Nightingale-Conant and their whole stable of speakers and writers, growing to love and appreciate their discoveries before ever attempting to build on them himself. But once he began to share his own knowledge of these timeless principles, the flow never stopped. His books, tapes and internet messages have inspired millions. (Email and ask to be put on his free “thought of the day” program. I start my morning with it.) So when you are in for more than a review of the latest “success fad” of the decade. You are tapping into the embodiment of an ongoing “study” of human nature and success that spans three generations. Bob Proctor is the curator of this science of success and this powerful book offers a generous display of some of its many treasures. This is a great read!

-Doug Wead, Former Special Assistant to the President in the Bush White House

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